We have changed the payment method for the featured items.
Now it will be essential to have a bank card registered in Wallapop to be able to buy featured items. You have two options to add your card:
- During the purchase flow. For more information check: How do I feature an item?
- In the "Wallet" section.
- From the app you must enter the "Wallet" section of the "You" section of the navigation bar and access the "Bank details" section.
- From the web you must access "My zone" and go to the "Wallet" section in the sidebar. Access "Data" and there you will be able to fill in your bank card.
When you add your card there will be a charge of 0,10€ which will be returned to you within 6-8 working days to verify that the card you entered is correct.
Please note that the card you use must be from a SEPA member country. You can check the countries that belong to the SEPA zone in this link: Countries in the SEPA zone.
For more information you can check this article: Register payment and withdrawal methods.