Now you can effortlessly keep track of your inventory. Never run out of stock again. Add quantities to your items, manage replenishments, and stay ahead of demand. Upgrade your e-commerce game today!
1. Upload a new item as you usually do.
2. In the "Stock" field, introduce the number of units you have available to sell of this item. It must be between 1 and 200 and in whole numbers.
3. Fill out the rest of the fields as usual.
4. Upload the item.
5. If you want to edit the number of units once the item is uploaded, you can follow the same process, but by editing the item.
What happens after I sell one item?
If the seller has more than 1 unit of the item, the item won’t be marked as reserved and will continue to appear in the search normally.
After a sale, the item will appear again on the top of the search as a new item. This will happen so you don’t have to worry if the item gets “old”, we understand items with stock have more units and will be on the catalog for a long time. To help PRO sellers, for every sale, the item will appear again on the top of the search.
The sale will also appear on the sales screen, so for every sale of the same item, there will be a different transaction so you can control everything better.
If it’s the last item of the product, the item will be marked as reserved. Once the transaction is finalized with the buyer, the item will be deactivated. To sell the item again, all you need is to add more units to the stock.
What does the buyer see?
The buyer doesn’t see the quantity of stock you have on your items. This is a private information only the seller is able to see.