Please note: PRO subscriptions are only available in Spain.
From our app:
iOS devices: Wallapop PRO or PRO icon ( in the bottom bar ) > Manage your subscription > Click on the 3 dots > Cancel subscription > Unsubscribe me.
Android devices: PRO icon ( in the bottom bar ) > Manage your subscription > Click on the 3 points > Unsubscribe > Unsubscribe me.
- From the website, you have to access "My zone". From the left lateral menu, access the WALLAPOP PRO section. There you will find the "Subscriptions" section, where you can see the current contracted subscription. Under the subscription name, you will see the option to "Edit". Click here to see the option to "Cancel Subscription".
Your subscription may be cancelled at any time, but will remain effective until the end of the current period.
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