If as an individual you sell your items below the purchase price, that is, if you are not making a profit, these sales are not subject to taxes.
Examples for private sellers
Andrea, Madrid
As a private seller, she bought a toaster for €50 and sold it on Wallapop for €30. Do you have to pay taxes on the sale?
Purchase price = €50
Sale price = €30
Loss = -20€
Taxes to pay = €0
Answer: No, because she sells it below the purchase price and she doesn't make a profit.
Marcos, Seville
He regularly sells on Wallapop as a private seller and, in the last year, he has made several sales of items below their purchase price. Do you have to pay taxes on your sales?
Sales generated in one year on Wallapop = €800
Profit generated through Wallapop = €0
Taxes to pay = €0
Answer: No, because Marcos has not made profits on the sales of his items since he has sold them below the purchase price.
Examples of professional sellers or companies
Lucia, Barcelona
Lucia, as a professional seller on Wallapop, has sold a chair for €50 through Wallapop. Will she have to pay taxes for the operation?
Sales invoice = €41.32
VAT (21%) = €8.68
Total to collect = €50
Answer: Yes, she will have to pay taxes under the same conditions as until now. That is, in this case, Lucia will have to issue an invoice for the amount of €50 (VAT included) to the buyer and she will have to pay taxes on said income (€50) in her income tax return (IRPF).
It is advisable to save invoices or purchase receipts for the products you are going to sell. If you have any doubts, we recommend that you consult a tax advisor who can analyze your specific case and tell you how to proceed.
With this, we want to remind you that you can continue selling on Wallapop with peace of mind, giving a second life to your products ✨