If you have made a purchase and the seller cancels it, it expires because they have not taken the package to the carrier or you have opened a dispute and it has been accepted, you now have the option to choose where to receive your refund.
Once the purchase is cancelled, in the summary of your purchase with the seller you will be able to review the details of your refund and choose the refund method:
- Refund to wallet: you will have the money immediately available in your wallet and you can use it to make other purchases or transfer it to your bank account.
- Refund to the payment method used: You will receive it within 2 to 10 days depending on how you made the purchase, at the moment it is only available for card payments, Google Pay and Apple Pay. For more information please check: Payment and refund periods to take into account.
If 24 hours have passed since the cancellation, expiration or availability of the refund and you have not selected where you want to receive the refund, the payment method used will automatically be used.
Please note that this option will always be available when there is a refund on Wallapop and that your decision is not saved for future occasions.