First of all, here you can see the estimated delivery times:
Origin - Destiny | Delivery time |
Spain - Spain | Estimated delivery in 3-7 days |
Spain - Spain (Method - bulky) | Estimated delivery in 2-15 days |
Spain - Italy | Estimated delivery in 4-8 days |
Italy - Spain | Estimated delivery in 4-8 days |
Spain - Portugal | Estimated delivery in 4-8 days |
Portugal - Spain | Estimated delivery in 3-7 day |
We also recommend that you check the carrier's tracker to know the current status of your shipment: Correos tracker, Seur tracker, GLS tracker, Method tracker.
Here are the reasons why a package may not have arrived:
- The package has been lost. In this case, a claim period of 20 days is established from the admission of the package. If 20 days have not passed since admission, we ask you to wait until this period has passed before contacting us. If 20 days have already passed since the admission of the package, please contact us by clicking on the button below.
- The package is on hold due to a problem with the delivery address. For more information, please see the article: On hold shipping.
- The package could not be delivered and is being returned to the seller. To find out the status of the shipment, please check the tracking number of the shipping company with which the shipment was sent: Correos item tracker / Seur item tracker / GLS item tracker / Method item tracker. In this case, please contact us using the button below so that we can review the incident.
Please note that, as mentioned in our Terms and Conditions, you have a maximum of 30 days from admission of the package to initiate a claim in case you do not receive a package due to loss or theft, after this period we will not be able to process your request.
In case you need to contact us, remember to have at hand the Wallapop shipping tracking code as we will ask you for it at the time of sending your request. You will be able to see it on the web or in the app, by accessing the transaction in progress from the "You" section, in the Purchases/Sales section.
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